Missions Prayer


In Isaiah 56:7b, God said, “For my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” God has called His Church to be a house of prayer for all nations. We have not yet arrived, but we believe that God is certainly moving the Church to fulfil this vision, where we do not just pray for ourselves, our family, our church and our nation, but we will be praying regularly for the nations. Praying for nations will then become a very part of Covenant EFC’s DNA.


Someone said, “Prayer is the way to pave the way for missionaries. Prayer is the way to bring light to places we cannot go in person. Prayer is both the foundation and the covering of everything we do.”

We know that God does not want any to perish, but for all to come to be saved (2 Pet 3:9). Jesus also told His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matt 9:37-39). Jesus probably already saw the immense and humanly impossible task before the disciples when He told them this. You may ask: Who are these labourers? Is He referring only to the missionaries, or does it include the rest of us? We know that not everyone will be going to a foreign land to be a long-term missionary. I have been taught that our missionaries are like people who go down the deep and narrow well to rescue the lost and dying, while the rest of us are the rope-holders. We also know that there are certain places where we, or even missionaries, cannot go. But our prayer can cross all these boundaries!


How can we pray for the nations and our missionaries? Missions Prayer not only provides a platform and information to facilitate praying for the lost among the nations, but also an opportunity to help us grow our “prayer muscles”.

One of the platforms is our weekly Missions Prayer gathering on Sundays. It is held at various worship centres on a rotated schedule, where you can sign up to pray at your respective worship centre. However, with technology, we have been able to cross the physical barrier through online prayer, particularly during Circuit Breaker period. CGs can also adopt a missionary and a region/country to pray for regularly. We also have the congregational prayer (e.g. during Pray & Praise) where we all come together to pray for nations, our missionaries and their work.

There is no limit to who can participate in Missions Prayer. Children, teenagers, young adults, mature adults, singles, married couples, English congregation, Mandarin and Dialect congregation and the various fellowship groups can all participate and become a part of making God’s house a house of prayer for all nations!

We can also pray daily for our Covenant missionaries by using this 30-day prayer guide.