The ravages of Covid-19 pandemic reached Myanmar in March 2020. The country’s economy including people’s livelihood were greatly affected.
In response to their needs, Covenant BAM team worked with our in-country partners in raising funds to purchase and distribute daily necessities to those in need. A total of 1,440 people consists of 360 families, 160 children from 4 orphanages, and 12 villages were helped.
When a Christian was asked why she included a Covid-19 brochure and encouraging Bible verses in the package, she replied, “I tell them that Jesus is the Saviour for you. Also, I write on a piece of paper to tell them the Gospel message before I give them the bag of food.”
A non-Christian recipient was touched by this giving and commented, “Thank you so much for this food. We did not receive the government’s promised help last month. We are so surprised that you, a total stranger, would come to give us this food. Truly this is a blessing. If Covid-19 continues, I don’t know what to do and how we are going to live.”
This giving is a demonstration of Christian love. It helps to build bridges to God’s Kingdom. To God be all the glory!
Orphans receiving the care packs Blessing the food Representative sample of care pack Volunteers sorting out the food