From the Missions Director's Desk

Elder Johnny Tan

Covenant Missions

Missions exists because worship doesn’t. The mission of Covenant EFC is to return the Church to its disciplemaking roots with a clear purpose of multiplying disciples in order to win the world for Christ. Here in Covenant EFC Missions, we embark on the twin platform of Intentional Disciplemaking Movement and 5 Missional Thrusts. In the Intentional Disciplemaking Movement effort, we partner with churches and agencies to transform churches to plant and multiply disciplemaking church plants (DCPs). The 5 Missional Thrusts serve as an evangelistic platform for Covenant EFC to reach out to cross-cultural communities locally and overseas with the Gospel message to plant DCPs. The 5 Missional Thrusts are Home Missions, Urban Missions, Business as Missions (BAM), E-Missions, and The Next Generation (TNG) Missions. You can find out more about each thrust in this microsite.

Missions Week

Father Send us!

Jesus said to them again, Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”.

(John 20:21)

According to Rev Dr Daniel C. Arichea, Jr., “peace” is used in the New Testament in 5 different ways:

  1. Absence of war or chaos
  2. Right relationship with God or with Christ
  3. Good relationship among people
  4. As an individual virtue or state that is tranquil or serene.
  5. A form of greeting.

In the context of John 20:21, Jesus appears before the disciples after his resurrection. The disciples were hiding behind locked doors. This greeting of  “Peace be with you” is multi-faceted here. There is a ring of prayer for calmness to befall the disciples, to focus back on Jesus, not the circumstances. In short, Jesus is present- He is alive!

Then comes Jesus’ charge to send the disciples. As God the Father has sent Jesus “cross-culturally”, Jesus is doing likewise. This is not the first time Jesus has done it. In Luke 9, Luke 10, Matthew 10 Jesus sent out the disciples and others. Jesus sends the disciples out to make disciples, this involves Gospel work, praying for the people, healing the sick, helping out the marginalised, caring for others, and blessing others with their presence.

Fellow brothers and sisters, we are all sent out to make disciples. Find your station in this journey.

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