Missions exists because worship doesn’t. The mission of Covenant EFC is to return the Church to its disciplemaking roots with a clear purpose of multiplying disciples in order to win the world for Christ. Here in Covenant EFC Missions, we embark on the twin platform of Intentional Disciplemaking Movement and 5 Missional Thrusts. In the Intentional Disciplemaking Movement effort, we partner with churches and agencies to transform churches to plant and multiply disciplemaking church plants (DCPs). The 5 Missional Thrusts serve as an evangelistic platform for Covenant EFC to reach out to cross-cultural communities locally and overseas with the Gospel message to plant DCPs. The 5 Missional Thrusts are Home Missions, Urban Missions, Business as Missions (BAM), E-Missions, and The Next Generation (TNG) Missions. You can find out more about each thrust in this microsite.