Let's Go Missions, here's how...
Ways to Go

(Short-Term Mission Trips)
Beyond planning our next holiday, let’s seize this opportunity to save the date for our next Short-Term Mission Trips and be part of God’s work in the Nations!
For details of upcoming trips, click button below.
Please register your interest & we will get in touch with you on the upcoming trips!

(Missions Attachments)
The Father’s heart is for the nations. Would you say “yes” to setting aside space in your ONE life to experience the joy of disciplemaking beyond our shores?
We invite you to a 3-12 months faith-adventure, living among the people in your selected region (South East Asia, East Asia, Indochina or South Asia).
The Missions Attachment aims to give you that God-given opportunity to be inspired by His work in the field as you inspire others to follow Christ!
Sign up today and we will explore possibilities with you – this is open to all ages (18 & above).

(Full-Time / Bi-Vocational)
Has the Lord stirred a passion in your heart for the harvest? Has He placed a burning desire to reach the unreached in the nations with the transformative power of the Gospel?
The Lord is calling a remnant to arise to GO into the nations as incarnational, long-term missionaries. Not only preach the Gospel, but live Gospel among the unreached – till every tongue, tribe and nation has heard!
If you said “yes” to this missional call as a bi-vocational missionary (using your marketplace skills while making disciples) or a full-time missionary, we can’t wait to journey with you in your next steps!