I was a volunteer of Project BMW which distributed meal packs at Little India. At that time, I was approached by a team leader to prayerfully consider befriending and adopting a small group of migrant workers who were stuck in their factory for over two months. The approach to engage them is through delivering food provision and making initial connection. I prayed and asked the Lord and sensed Him telling me to “Go”. I invited another brother to partner with me and he readily agreed.
Both of us delivered the food provision on the eve of Hari Raya. They came to greet and welcome us when we passed the food items to them. This brought them joy and a sense of relief that there were people in Singapore who were thinking and caring for them. Quite a few of them could speak conversational English as they have worked here for at least five years. During this visit, they were warm and open to us. We suggested that we create a WhatsApp chatgroup so we can start to know each one of them.
Our pastor sent us links for several Zoom talks and even fitness workout sessions. One of them joined us a few times and found it useful and good. When we made our second food provision delivery, we connected much better because we already know them by name and could engage them with simple conversation. They even invited us to join them for meals when Covid-19 measures are lifted.
From simple conversation, we have made some progress to learn about their concerns such as how much their company will be paying them with reference to the latest news issued by the government, and the possibility of retrenchment or loss of job as the factory lease will be expiring. We don’t have answers to these. But we can continue to keep in touch with them, pray for them and encourage them through our chatgroup.